PD-Proxy Updates

My ISP block the UDP port ____. How can I make it work again?

We have divided the answer to this question in two parts according to the usage of our service.
  1. To users who just want to unblock websites - PD-Proxy automatically scans common open UDP ports when connecting. So if PD-Proxy can no longer connect then it is possible that your ISP already blocked all UDP ports which is very unlikely to occur. But if that is the case you can still try to use ICMP or TCP protocol which is more unlikely to be blocked especially TCP ports 80 and 443.

  2. To users who wants to bypass their ISP's accounting system. (Eg: Browsing without credit or load or bypass your data plan bandwidth limit) - Some of our users are using our service to bypass their ISP's accounting system, that is browsing the internet when your modem has zero load/charge or no airtime available.

    PD-Proxy can sometimes still connect even if you have zero load or no airtime available by exploiting the loophole on your ISPs firewall. But there comes a time when your ISP updates their system and fixes the loopholes on their network. As much as we wanted to help you find a way to connect again we cannot because we have no access to your ISP/Network connection which makes it impossible for us to find a new loophole. It might even be better to ask for help to the person or website/forum that told you that you can use PD-Proxy to bypass your ISP since they would be more knowledgeable about your ISP.

    If this happens our suggestion is to pause your account's subscription while you still cannot connect and when someone found a new solution then just start your subscription again. But if you really need to use our service then you do not have a choice but to add credits or load to your modem.
We have included a port scanner in our PD-Proxy application which you can use to scan open ports. You can get more details on how to use the port scanner on this page: http://www.pdproxy.com/knowledgebase/how-to-use-pd-proxy-port-scanner-24.htm

PD-Proxy Authorized Official Reseller
Email : pdproxyind@gmail.com

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